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Mrs Nikki Osborne

Parent Governor – Nikki Osborne

Nikki has been a parent governor since October 2013 and became the Chair of Governors in 2023. 

  • What experience does Nikki bring to Governing our school?
    • Nikki works outside of Education in the private sector and is responsible for overseeing performance, compliance and customer experience.
    • Within her role she has significant experience in project management and leading change programmes.
    • Nikki has a daughter Evie attending our school and two children, who both attended Woolston CP School, at our local high school.
    • Nikki attends various Governor training  sessions to keep up to date with changing procedures and new processes.

About Me

Having had all of my children attend Woolston Community Primary School and also living in Woolston for many years I jumped at the chance of becoming a Governor. I am very passionate about Woolston C P getting back to being an “Outstanding “ school. I am proud to be aligned to our school and to be in a position to input into the development of our amazing children.

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