Woolston Community Primary School, Barnfield Road, Woolston, Warrington, WA1 4NW
Tel: 01925 837764
Email: woolstoncpprimary@onecommunitytrust.co.uk
Please contact our office manager, Diane Hipkiss who will be happy to assist with any initial requirements.

Welcome To Woolston Primary School Website
Welcome to Woolston Community Primary School website. I hope that you find all the information that you are looking for and that many of your questions can be answered.
At Woolston Primary School we endeavour to provide all our pupils with an education which enables them to reach their full potential. We provide an atmosphere in which our children feel secure and valued, with each child treated as an individual and encouraged to develop their own special talents.
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact the school via email woolstoncpprimary@onecommunitytrust.co.uk or by telephone 01925 837 764.
If you require paper copies of any information published on our school website then please contact the school office and they will provide this for you.
Thank you for visiting our website today.
Mr C Burgess
Recent Newsletters
Each Friday, we send out our weekly newsletter to keep parents and carers up to date with all our school news. This is sent out by email but hard copies are also available for collection in the school office. The most recent newsletters are listed below. Earlier editions can be found stored in the relevant term.
Information about class news and trips, fundraising and PTFA events and termly events can all be found in the weekly newsletter.
Virtual tours of the school
Below are two virtual tours of the school. They are best viewed on a laptop or tablet but if you do view them on a mobile phone then it is best to view them in landscape.
Inside view of the school
School grounds view
Arthur Christmas Day (15th Dec 2021)
Grinch Day (20th Dec 2022)
My Happy Mind Winning Video (Nov 2023)
Polar Express Day (19th Dec 2023)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Day (15th Nov 2024)