Designated Provisions
Woolston Community Primary has two Designated Provisions for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
- An eight place KS1 provision for children with ASD aged 4-7 (Owlets).
- An eight place KS2 Designated Provision for children with ASD aged 7-11(Owls).
All the children in both the key stage 1 and the key stage 2 Designated Provision have an Education and Health Care Plan (E.H.C.P.) and a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
The children are taught in a calm, nurturing, specialist environment. The classrooms are situated within the main school. The Owlet’s classroom is situated within the key stage 1 area and has access to outdoor continuous provision. The Owl’s classroom is situated in the key stage 2 area. All children have access to newly furbished and resourced classrooms.
Within the Designated Provisions the children follow the National Curriculum which is personalised to support their specific needs. We aim to challenge the children academically and where possible the children access mainstream lessons. There is a specific focus within both Designated Provisions on speech and language development, social skills development and independence.
The children within the Designated Provisions take part fully in school life. Where possible all children will attend assemblies and are supported to integrate at break time and lunch time. The children take part in all school events such as school trips, school discos, fayres, after school clubs and productions.
The document below has been created by the Local Authority and describes how the Designated Provisions in Warrington work.
We have high staff ratios within each class. There is one teacher and two teaching assistants within each Designated Provision.
Designated Provison Lead/School SENDCo:
Miss A Parker
Owlet’s class (KS1)
Mrs J Holt
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs J Dale
Mrs R Yates
Curriculum: The children follow the EYFS curriculum which is differentiated to meet their specific needs. There is a great emphasis on developing communication skills, learning through play and developing basic skills in literacy and numeracy. When appropriate the children will then move on to the KS1 National Curriculum.
Owl’s class (KS2)
Miss A Parker
Mrs A Foster
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs D Slocombe
Mrs J Harrop
Miss E Murray
Designated Provision PPA/Midday Cover Teaching Assistants
Mrs R Foster
Mrs C Gallagher
Children within the Owl’s class follow the National Curriculum which is differentiated to meet their individual needs. Children take part in regular social skills sessions, motor skills lessons and speech and language interventions. Lessons are delivered using a multi-sensory way of teaching and sensory activities and resources are included within lessons. Individual interventions and small group work also takes place regularly.
Funding and Admission Arrangements
Places in the Designated Provision are funded separately from the mainstream budget to ensure that we can meet the needs of the children effectively. Places are allocated by the Local Authority.