September 2025 Intake
Welcome Woolston Community Primary School New Starters 2025
You have received an offer of a place at Woolston Community Primary School for your child to start Reception in September 2024. Congratulations and welcome! We are very excited to meet you and your child.
We hold several events to help you and your family get to know us before the start of the school year in September. Our Foundation Stage teachers will visit your child at their nursery before they come for their visits at school. We will meet you and your child face to face before the start of the new academic year - information regarding this will be sent out to you.
You might be wondering what you should do now, and what you can do to help your child get used to the idea of Reception. There are some great resources on the BBC website in preparation for school. Please click on the image that says BBC Programmes to be taken to these resources. There is also a really good information sheet on the BBC website as well with suggested activities. Please click on the image that says BBC Bitesize to be taken to this website.
Useful Information and Documents
Meet the Teachers
Mrs Waton |
Mrs Jenks |
Mrs Madden Teaching Assistant |
To meet the other staff in our school, please go to the tab 'About Us - Staff'.
Mrs Waton and Mrs Jenks are our Foundation Stage teachers. Mrs Waton teaches on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Mrs Jenks teaches on Thursday. Both teachers are very experienced and they will skillfully support all the children in their learning journey in EYFS at Woolston.
School Uniform
At Woolston Community Primary School are proud of our school uniform and how smart our children look when they are wearing it.
Our uniform is grey trousers or shorts / skirt or pinafore dress, dark green sweatshirt / cardigan and white polo shirt. Girls may wear green gingham dresses during the summer term / early autumn term. Children must wear smart, sensible black school shoes at all times other than PE lessons. The wearing of jewellery, other than small studs and watches, is not allowed.
Our school P.E kit is:
School Tracksuit (available from Touchline but if purchased elsewhere it must be all black with no logos)
White t-shirt (with or without Woolston Community Primary logo)
Black Pumps
Spare underwear (in case of accidents)
On their class PE days the children come in to school wearing their school tracksuit.
It is essential that ALL items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s full name
Uniform items can be ordered directly from Touchline our uniform supplier. The link to their website is below.
If you are ever unsure about uniform or sizes etc please pop in to the school office and they will be happy to help/advise.
What Does Your Child Need To Bring To School?
We provide the majority of the equipment that your child needs. We ask that your child brings into school;
- A Woolston Community Primary School book bag (please attach a small keyring to make your child's book bag easily identifiable)
- A water bottle (clearly labelled with their name)
School Meals
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are currently entitled to a free school meal. We assume that all children wish to take up this entitlement unless you complete the “Opt Out” form. Our lunchtime arrangements are flexible. You can choose to send a packed lunch with your child or for your child to have a free meal from the school kitchen, on a daily basis.
Currently our Reception children are given a free piece of fruit for snack in the afternoon. At morning break the children are given the opportunity to buy snack from school. Snack is ordered on a Monday for the whole week. The children can choose from toast or crumpet with a drink of orange or apple juice. If you prefer you can send in a healthy snack from home for your child to have at morning break.
Free milk is also given to children in our Reception class until they reach the age of 5. Once your child is five then there is the option for all children in the school to have milk and this is paid for on a termly basis.
Useful Websites
Please click on the images below to be taken to the various websites which will help support your child's learning and transition.
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