The Parent, Teacher and Friends Association is an integral part of the school community. Our current committee is made up of parent volunteers. However, each event relies on the additional help and support of other parents and staff along with local businesses and other members of the community.
We hold a number of events throughout the year including firm favourites like the Christmas Fair, Chocolate Bingo, regular discos and the Summer Fair.
Our fundraising has enabled us to; purchase playtime equipment for each class, subsidise transport for school residential trips, help fund interactive televisions for each class, subsidise the cost of the annual pantomime and annually buying our Year 6 leavers a momento of their time at Woolston Community Primary.
We are committed to continueing to support activities which supports and enhances the learning experiences of all the children within the school. We are currenlty fundraising to pay for the cost of a pyramid climbing net in the school. The school and the PTFA have both committed to the costs for this project with the PTFA needing to raise £15,000 over the next two years. We have already raised £7,300 and donated this to the school in Autumn 2020.
I look forward to seeing you at our fundraising events and if you feel able to give up a little time to help you will be made very welcome.
Chair - Woolston Community Primary PTFA