
Mrs Waton
EYFS Teacher, Maths Lead

Mrs Cooper
Year 1 Teacher, Science, RE and British Values Coordinator

Miss Fryer
Year 2 Teacher, Music and History Coordinator

Mrs Coen
Year 2 Teacher, MFL Coordinator

Miss O'Hara
Year 3 Teacher, PSHE Coordinator and Computing Coordinator

Mr Kolita
Year 4 Teacher

Mrs Stowell
Year 5 Teacher, Deputy Headteacher, English/Curriculum, Assessment and Pupil Premium Lead

Mrs Hughes
Year 5 Teacher, Geography Coordinator

Mr Wood
Year 6 Teacher

Miss Parker
Owls (KS2 Designated Provision) teacher, Inclusion Lead/Designated Provision Lead and SENDCo

Mrs Hunt
Owls (KS2 Designated Provision Teacher, Art and Design and Technology Coordinator.
Mrs Holt
Owlets, KS1 Designated Provision Teacher, PE Coordinator